NANON-01A Electrospinning System for R & D

The model NANON-01A is a best-selling nanofiber electrospinning system for lab use. A variety of materials can be spun by programming spinning conditions and combining system parts such as spinnerets and collectors.

Spinning high uniformity and quality nanofiber sheets

Unique technology of MECC creates stable electronic fields, enabling spin of nanofibers of uniform fiber diameter and with very few droplets.

Quick and easy programming with a 10-key controller

With a 10-key controller programming of parameters can be made quickly and easily. Parameter combinations for 10 materials can be preprogrammed for instant operation.

Easy replacement of system parts

System parts such as spinnerets and collectors can be replaced quickly and easily.

Spinning aligned membranes of super low orientation

Membranes of super low orientation can be spun using a drum or a disk collector. (patented)

Unique cleaning mechanism for spinnerets

A device automatically to clean tips of spinnerets be integrated to the system to save much operation time.